Monday, October 14, 2013

Pyramid Scheme: An Unsustainable Business

A pyramid scheme is an unsustainable business model that involves promising participants payment or services, primarily for enrolling other people into the scheme, rather than supplying any real investment or sale of products or services to the public.

Matrix schemes use the same fraudulent non-sustainable system as a pyramid; here, the participants pay to join a waiting list for a desirable product which only a fraction of them can ever receive. Since matrix schemes follow the same laws of geometric progression as pyramids, they are subsequently as doomed to collapse. Such schemes operate as a queue, where the person at head of the queue receives an item such as a television, games console, digital camcorder, etc. when a certain number of new people join the end of the queue. For example ten joiners may be required for the person at the front to receive their item and leave the queue. Each joiner is required to buy an expensive but potentially worthless item, such as an e-book, for their position in the queue. The scheme organizer profits because the income from joiners far exceeds the cost of sending out the item to the person at the front. Organizers can further profit by starting a scheme with a queue with shill names that must be cleared out before genuine people get to the front. The scheme collapses when no more people are willing to join the queue. Schemes may not reveal, or may attempt to exaggerate, a prospective joiner's queue position which essentially means the scheme is a lottery.

The network marketing or multi-level marketing (abbreviated MLM) business has become associated with pyramid schemes as "Some schemes may purport to sell a product, but they often simply use the product to hide their pyramid structure." and the fact while some people call MLMs in general "pyramid selling" others use the term to denote an illegal pyramid scheme masquerading as an MLM.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

History of SWA before you know it!

“Finally, after more than 2 years of continuous research, brainstorming, and trial & error, the ultimate money-making machine is here.” This is the marketing tagline of Supreme Wealth Alliance Ultimate, a new online network marketing company that is now in pre-launch. Based on the company’s website,, Supreme Wealth Alliance will be formally launched on 29 February 2012.

Supreme Wealth Alliance boasts of its perfect pay plan system. Hmmm… sounds so good, huh? Could this be finally the ultimate solution for your financial woes? Are you excited to join and become a pioneer of this internet cash cow? Ooops! Hold on, dude! Before you part ways with your hard earned money, let’s try to dig deeper into this company and see if it is what it claims to be.

There is more to a company than its perfect pay plan. As they say, if you want to be part of a network marketing company, be sure to ride a four-legged horse. The four legs stand for the company, the product, the pay plan, and training. Needless to say, a horse with only four legs can’t run fast and you wouldn’t want to be riding in it if you are in a race for fortune, will yeah?

 In this review, we will try to examine if Supreme Wealth Alliance Ultimate has the necessary qualities of the four-legged horse. Is it worth riding at all? But, in the interest of time, we will only focus our review on two legs, the company and the product.  I believe these are the stronger legs of a networking business. If the business doesn’t possess a remarkable company profile and product, then there is no pay plan and training to talk about. In the case of Supreme Wealth Alliance, both the company and the product are already questionable we don’t find it necessary to waste more time looking at the pay plan and training.

The Company: Chavesnet Enterprises

If you look into the profile of Supreme Wealth Alliance, the company is owned by Chavesnet Enterprises and the CEO is Francis Chaves. Does this company or person’s name ring a bell to you? If you have been in the MLM business long enough, then you must have encountered this name before and I won’t be surprised if you tell me that the memory that is flashing on your mind right now is not so desirable. If you are a newbie in MLM, just Google the name and you will find what you are looking for.
Our investigation revealed that Chavesnet Enterprises is not a corporation at all. It is only a sole entrepreneurship company owned and managed by Francis Chaves. Chavesnet Enterprises or Francis Chaves or Franco Renato Chaves is an owner of several network marketing companies. Our search in the internet revealed the following four companies owned and managed by Francis Chaves or Chavesnet Enterprises:

·         Supreme Wealth Alliance
·         PhytoWorx Global Innovations Corp
·         MX7 Express
·         Infinity Supreme Alliance

There could be more out there, but the stories of these four companies are sufficient enough to establish the kind of reputation, or the lack of it, of Chavesnet Enterprises. What is common in these four companies is that each was hyped as the “best top-of-the line” company, offering the best product and network-marketing opportunity. The hyping would last a few months and when the company has generated enough members and income, it would suddenly experience a lot of problems… and eventually die.  After a while, one of these companies or products would be re-launched as a new program and the hyping starts again. This pattern has become so obvious and predictable many networkers who were victimized by Chavesnet Enterprises call it a boom and bust scheme.

MX7 Express or 7Millionaire Express ( was launched in August 2010. It was hyped as the best combination of network marketing, direct selling and social networking. The products of MX7 Express comprised of personal development products and health beverages. The personal development package consists of the self-help digital products developed by James Valentines and the Supreme Wealth Library. Entry fee in MX7 Express was P888 pesos and the member would get any of the digital or health product packages and be a part of the network marketing business, earning commission by referring others into the program. The business concept was so great it has built a large membership base in the Philippines and even abroad. However, barely a year into existence, the company started to encounter a number of problems. Inside reports said the board of directors were disunited on the future direction of the company, there was misunderstanding with James Valentines on the distribution of the digital products, there was a problem with the IT department resulting in delayed product delivery and commission payout. Slowly, the interest of the networkers waned but even before the company died down, Infinity Supreme Alliance came into the picture.

Infinity Supreme Alliance ( or . Infinity Supreme Alliance was hyped as a Super Negosyo ng Pinoy (Super Business for Filipinos), another lucrative MLM business which claims to be the best of direct selling, the best of networking and the best of online marketing… Sounds familiar? I guess its trademark of Chavesnet Enterprises. The story of Infinity Supreme Alliance is not at all so different from Mx7 Express. In fact, I would say it was MX7 Express resurrected with  a new name. Infinity Supreme Alliance, also known to its networkers as ISA, started its pre-launch campaign sometime in May 2011. The hyping of the pinoy super negosyo was an instant hit the company lured a multitude of members even before it was launched. Like MX7 Express, the registration fee was only P888 and the members get to choose from a selection of digital or health product packages, enjoys a social networking facility while making money in the network marketing business. The products of Infinity Supreme Alliance are actually the same as MX7 Express. It also offered the personal development products of James Valentines, the Supreme Wealth Library, and health beverages (such as the Infused: Multi-herbal fortifier which was also sold by MX7 Express and PhytoWorx Global Innovation). The craze over Infinity Supreme Alliance was short-lived. The company did not live long enough after its grand launch in August 8, 2011. The management failed its promise to register the company with the Securities and Exchange Corporation (SEC), it has no FDA license to sell health beverages, it has a recurring problem of delayed delivery and delayed commission payouts, it has serious a problem with its website allegedly because of the inefficiency of the IT personnel. The management, Francis Chaves, has repeatedly and repeatedly promised to address the problems of the companies and over and over again he failed to deliver his promises. And then again, before he could finally solve the problems of Infinity Supreme Alliance, he is now busy launching his new program, the Supreme Wealth Alliance Ultimate.

Supreme Wealth Alliance: The Ultimate Scam

In case you do not know, Supreme Wealth Alliance ( is not a new company. It was first launched in late 2009 and disappeared shortly thereafter. Now it’s coming back and it’s vying to become the ultimate global scam! What makes us say that this is yet another boom and bust operation by Chavesnet Enterprises? The answer is already explained in the track record of the previous businesses managed by Francis Chaves, including the original version of Supreme Wealth Alliance. The other answer lies in the product line.

The Product: Supreme Wealth Library

Like the company, the product is also recycled garbage from the previous companies of Chavesnet Enterprises. The Supreme Wealth Library, a collection of self-help e-books and videos, is not a unique product of Supreme Wealth Alliance Ultimate. This product was sold in the first version of Supreme Wealth Alliance, in MX7 Express and in Infinity Supreme Alliance. What is more shocking is the pricing structure of the new Supreme Wealth Alliance, which sells subscription of Supreme Wealth Library at a whopping $55, whereas it could be previously subscribed for only P888 ($21) in MX7 Express and Infinity Supreme Alliance.  The ultimate questions is: why would Chavesnet Enterprises sell the Supreme Wealth Library twice higher than its price in the previous defunct companies? Your guess is as good as mine! 

“Finally, after more than 2 years of continuous research, brainstorming, and trial & error, the ultimate money-making machine is here.” Would you still believe him now?

Note: If you think you must share this article to warn your friends and loved ones about this internet scam, then you must click the share button!

Your comments are highly welcomed too! Thank you in advance! 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

SWA: Scam na, Spam pa!

Ano pa nga ba?

Scam na nga, Spam pa!

Kakainis di ba?

Hit share button to remind your FB Friends.


Yes, the title was correct.

This site will have no colors, no sugar coating, no BS!

SWA or Supreme Wealth Alliance is no other but a filthy Pyramiding Scheme.

It's a SCAM.

It's a SPAM too.

Read on the following posts as we exposed this very unfortunate money-making sh*t in the online world primarily in social site of Facebook.
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